Sushma Andhare Mocks Minister’s Notices as ‘Diapers’ in Pune Drug Controversy

Pune, 27th June 2024: Shiv Sena leader and spokesperson Sushma Andhare has intensified her stance against the drug issue in Pune by staging a dharna protest. She has demanded the resignation of Excise Minister of Maharashtra Shambhuraj Desai to rid Pune of the drug menace. Responding to Desai’s notice, Andhare defiantly stated, “Shambhuraj Desai, we are not afraid of your threats; we will use your notices as diapers.”

Andhare emphasized Pune’s reputation as an educational hub now marred by law and order chaos. She highlighted that only 23 official pub bars in Pune are licensed, implying that the operation of over 100 bars indicates someone’s backing.

Regarding the notice issued by Desai, Andhare criticized the minister, questioning the lack of action after sending notices and holding State Excise Department officials accountable. She demanded the suspension and investigation of Excise Superintendent Charan Singh Rajput, alleging his failure to regulate pubs and bars in Pune.

The drug issue in Pune has gained attention following viral videos showing drug use at venues like L3 – Liquid Leisure Lounge and a mall on Pune-Nagar road. These incidents shared widely on social media, highlight a concerning trend of drug abuse among Pune’s youth.