Lok Sabha Clash: Modi and Rahul Gandhi Spar Over Hinduism Remarks

New Delhi, 1st July 2024: In a rare showdown in the Lok Sabha on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi clashed over the leader of the opposition’s comments allegedly linking Hindus with violence. Rahul Gandhi’s statement that “Hinduism is not about spreading fear, hatred, and falsehoods; those who claim to be Hindus are engaged in violence and hate round the clock,” sparked strong objections from the government benches.

Prime Minister Modi intervened, emphasizing the seriousness of labelling the entire Hindu society as violent. Rahul Gandhi swiftly responded, distinguishing between the BJP, Modi, and the broader Hindu community. He argued that BJP and Modi do not represent all Hindus, nor does the RSS, stressing that such statements were not reflective of BJP’s beliefs.

Rahul Gandhi further criticized the BJP by invoking Lord Shiva, asserting that Hindus uphold values of fearlessness and peace, contrasting this with what he claimed was the BJP’s constant spread of fear and hate. He accused the BJP of intimidating minorities and perpetrating violence against Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians. Highlighting the principles of courage across various religions, he cited examples from Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

Home Minister Amit Shah joined the fray, challenging Rahul’s characterization of Hindus as violent, pointing to historical events like the Emergency and the 1984 anti-Sikh riots to counter Rahul’s stance on non-violence. He demanded an apology from Rahul for his remarks.

Undeterred by the criticism, Rahul Gandhi continued his critique of the government, addressing issues such as the Agniveer scheme, the situation in Manipur, farmers’ protests, demonetization, and the NEET issue.