Former PM Manmohan Singh Criticizes Modi’s Divisive Policies, Rhetoric

New Delhi, 30th May 2024: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has voiced his concerns regarding the conduct of his successor, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of engaging in divisive rhetoric and policies detrimental to the nation’s welfare.

Singh’s critique stemmed from recent remarks made by PM Modi, where he insinuated that the Congress party would favour certain demographics over others and questioned Singh’s stance on resource allocation. Singh condemned such statements as inflammatory and unbecoming of the Prime Minister’s office.

Expressing dismay over PM Modi’s pledge to enhance farmers’ income by 2022, Singh highlighted the stark reality of agrarian distress, citing statistics that underscored the precarious financial situation faced by farmers. He attributed this plight to a combination of factors including rising input costs, tax burdens, and erratic government policies, which have collectively exacerbated the challenges confronting farming communities.

Singh also aimed at the BJP-led government’s handling of key economic initiatives, such as demonetization and the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which he characterized as missteps contributing to economic instability and suboptimal growth.

In addition, Singh criticized the government’s response to the 2020-21 farmers’ protests, condemning the loss of lives among protesting farmers and denouncing PM Modi’s derogatory remarks branding them as ‘andolanjeevis’ (protesters) and ‘parjeevi’ (parasites). He lamented the lack of consultation with farmers regarding contentious agricultural reforms and accused the government of disregarding the interests and dignity of the farming community, particularly in states like Punjab.

Overall, Singh’s remarks underscore a broader critique of the Modi administration’s governance style, emphasizing concerns related to inclusivity, economic management, and respect for democratic norms.