Pune: 7-Year-Old Fatally Struck by Car While Leaning Out, Police Search For Driver

Kamshet, 12th June 2024: A seven-year-old boy, Riyan Shaikh, tragically lost his life after being struck by a car while leaning out of his grandfather’s autorickshaw on Monday evening.

The incident occurred on the narrow Kamshet-Pavananagar Road, about 50 kilometers from the city. Riyan vomited blood twice and fell unconscious in his grandfather’s lap after the fatal head injury. Disturbingly, the driver of the car did not stop to help.

Riyan and his grandfather, Noormohammed Shaikh (60), were en route to a dargah at Pavananagar when the accident happened. According to Kamshet police, a case of causing death by negligence has been registered against the unidentified car driver, who is currently being sought by the authorities.

Noormohammed, who filed the complaint, recounted the heartbreaking event: “Riyan fell out of the autorickshaw after the car hit him. When I took him into my lap, he vomited blood twice and fell unconscious. The car had stopped at a distance, and I shouted at the driver, pleading for help, but he drove away. I couldn’t note down the car’s registration number.”

Riyan was the elder son of Noormohammed’s daughter and lived with his grandparents in Kamshet. His parents and two younger siblings also reside in Kamshet. “Riyan stayed with our family and accompanied me wherever I went,” Noormohammed said.

On that fateful evening, Noormohammed had planned a visit to the dargah with Riyan and his friend, Ismail Shaikh. They left Kamshet around 6 PM in Noormohammed’s autorickshaw. Noormohammed, who runs a bicycle repair shop in Kamshet and drives the autorickshaw, described the road as narrow and riddled with potholes.

“We had to stop because an earth-moving machine ahead of us had halted after we crossed a bus stop at Karunj village,” he explained. He saw a white hatchback speeding towards Kamshet. “The driver did not slow down despite seeing the earth-moving machine. Around the same time, Riyan leaned out of the autorickshaw to check why it had stopped. The car hit him, causing him to fall out,” Noormohammed said.

Authorities continue to search for the car driver responsible for this tragic incident.