Mass Protests Halt Rs 214 Crore Deekshabhoomi Beautification Project

Nagpur, 2nd July 2024: The Rs 214 crore beautification and renovation project at Deekshabhoomi has come under intense scrutiny, leading to a halt in construction. The project’s initial phase, focusing on underground parking, sparked fears of potential damage to the Deekshabhoomi stupa and Bodhi tree. Over the past two weeks, various groups have voiced their concerns, culminating in a large protest on Monday where thousands of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s followers gathered at Deekshabhoomi, chanting slogans and damaging the construction site.

City police intervened but faced significant resistance. Protesters initiated a sit-in, demanding the parking project be paused until their concerns were addressed. Responding to public sentiment, the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Deekshabhoomi Memorial Committee decided to suspend all construction activities and issued a formal letter to that effect. Congress MLA and former Minister Dr Nitin Raut raised the issue in the Legislative Assembly, prompting Deputy Chief Minister and Guardian Minister of Nagpur, Devendra Fadnavis, to announce an immediate suspension of the construction work.

A meeting with the Committee is scheduled to find a way forward. Despite the government’s announcement, Ambedkarite followers remained at the site until late evening. The State Government had allocated Rs 214 crore for Deekshabhoomi’s beautification and renovation, which began six months ago. The project, planned in two phases, started with underground parking, raising concerns about potential damage to the stupa and Bodhi tree.

There were also concerns about water accumulation threatening the structure’s integrity. The controversy intensified 15 days ago, leading officials from multiple organizations to protest at Deekshabhoomi. Despite efforts by the Committee to alleviate fears through meetings and safety assurances with NMRDA and government officials, discontent persisted, leading to the protest.

The ‘Deekshabhoomi Bachao Andolan’ emerged, gaining support from various groups, including the Bharatiya Buddhist Mahasabha and Samata Sainik Dal. Social media mobilization resulted in a large gathering on July 1 at Deekshabhoomi, where protesters increased their demands, leading to vandalism and arson at the construction site. Police Commissioner Dr Ravinder Singal arrived at the scene but struggled to control the crowd. Meanwhile, the Committee issued a letter to halt the construction work immediately due to public sentiment. The letter, signed by all committee members, was shown to the protesters.

Wadettiwar Joins Protest
Opposition Leader in the Legislative Assembly Vijay Wadettiwar arrived at Deekshabhoomi, urging an immediate halt to the project. Criticizing the government’s handling of public sentiment, he emphasized the need for respect and dialogue to resolve the issue.