Vinay Kwatra Reflects on PM Modi’s Engaging Diplomacy During 2014 US Visit with Obama

New Delhi, 21st September 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s skill in building connections with world leaders, including US presidents, is often highlighted. Officials who have accompanied him to international meetings note that he engages on a personal level, using his own life experiences to bridge cultural and geopolitical gaps.

Reflecting on Modi’s US trip, Vinay Kwatra, former foreign secretary and current Indian ambassador to the US, shared a memorable exchange from Modi’s 2014 visit with then-President Barack Obama. He recounted the moment on “Modi Story,” a social media platform where people share experiences related to Modi.

After their formal discussions, Modi and Obama visited the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. During the 10-12 minute ride in Obama’s stretch limousine, their conversation shifted to family. Obama inquired about Modi’s mother, to which Modi replied with a surprising comment: “President Obama, you might not believe this, but the size of your car is almost the size of the house my mother lives in!”

This candid remark took Obama aback, given the limousine’s substantial size. Kwatra noted that this moment provided Obama with insight into Modi’s humble beginnings and straightforward nature.

The conversation fostered a deeper connection between the two leaders, both of whom rose from modest backgrounds to their respective countries’ highest offices. This was Modi’s first visit to the US since becoming prime minister, and during that trip, Obama presented him with a rare book about the Parliament of the World’s Religions from 1893, featuring a paper by Swami Vivekananda.