PM Modi Begins Third Term with Focus on Farmer Welfare, Releases PM Kisan Scheme Funds

New Delhi, 10th June 2024: Shortly after being inaugurated for his unprecedented third term at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi commenced his official duties on Monday. His first order of business was to authorize the release of the 17th instalment of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme, a move expected to benefit approximately 9.3 crore farmers with a disbursement totalling around Rs 20,000 crores.

Modi emphasized the government’s unwavering commitment to the welfare of farmers, stating, “Our government is dedicated to the well-being of farmers. It is therefore appropriate that the first action taken upon assuming office relates to farmer welfare. We aim to continue our efforts to support farmers and the agriculture sector in the future.”

Modi’s inauguration on Sunday marked his third consecutive term as Prime Minister, matching Jawaharlal Nehru’s record. His expanded team, comprising 72 members, surpassed the size of his previous cabinets. Despite leading a coalition government, Modi faced minimal challenges in forming his council of ministers, with parties like TDP and JD (U) opting not to negotiate, contrary to expectations.

The swearing-in ceremony witnessed the presence of prominent leaders from India’s neighbouring countries and the Indian Ocean region, including heads of state and government from Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Bhutan, and Seychelles. Additionally, members of various communities, including transgender individuals, sanitation workers, and labourers involved in constructing the new parliament building, attended the ceremony.

Approximately 9,000 individuals gathered at the forecourts of Rashtrapati Bhavan to witness Modi and the new council of ministers taking their oaths of office.