Election Commission Prepares for J&K Assembly Polls, Invites Applications for Common Symbols

New Delhi, 8th June 2024: In a significant development following the successful Lok Sabha elections, the Election Commission (EC) has announced that it will immediately accept applications for the allocation of ‘common symbols’ from registered unrecognised parties in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). This move signals the EC’s readiness to conduct assembly elections in the union territory.

Registered unrecognised parties can now apply for a ‘common poll symbol’—a symbol on which all candidates fielded by the party will contest—up to six months before the term of the house ends. Given that there is currently no J&K assembly in existence, the EC’s invitation for applications highlights the likelihood of imminent polls in the region.

The Supreme Court had previously mandated in a December verdict that the EC must hold assembly elections in J&K no later than September 30, 2024. This decision underscores the urgency of preparing for the assembly elections.

While recognised national and state parties contest elections using their reserved symbols, registered unrecognised parties must apply for a symbol before each election. Many of these parties opt for free symbols listed by the EC.

In March, during the announcement of the Lok Sabha election schedule, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar explained that holding simultaneous assembly and parliamentary elections in J&K was not feasible due to logistical and security challenges. He pointed out that the presence of hundreds of candidates in an assembly poll would overwhelm the available central paramilitary forces, making it difficult to ensure adequate security.

This latest announcement by the EC is a crucial step towards fulfilling the Supreme Court’s directive and moving forward with the democratic process in J&K.