BJP Fell Short in Lok Sabha Due to Arrogance, Says Senior RSS Leader Indresh Kumar

Jaipur, 14th June 2024: Senior RSS leader Indresh Kumar on Thursday attributed the BJP’s failure to secure a majority in the Lok Sabha to the party’s arrogance, while labeling the opposition as “anti-Ram.”

Speaking at the ‘Ramrath Ayodhya Yatra Darshan Poojan Samaroh’ in Kanota near Jaipur, Kumar stated, “The party that worshipped Lord Ram but gradually became arrogant was halted at 240 seats, though it emerged as the largest party. Those who had no faith in Ram were stopped at 234.”

Kumar’s comments have intensified speculation following recent remarks by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, who emphasized the importance of humility for public servants. The RSS leadership has distanced itself from Kumar’s views, denying any connection between Bhagwat’s advice and the BJP’s current situation.

“True devotees of Ram should be humble, while those who oppose Ram will face the consequences from the Lord himself,” Kumar added.

A senior RSS official clarified, “Kumar spoke in his personal capacity, and his statement does not represent the organization’s viewpoint.” The official also addressed past controversies surrounding Kumar’s comments.

The RSS source criticized the media for misinterpreting Bhagwat’s remarks. “Bhagwat’s advice was directed at full-time volunteers who had completed their training, urging them to maintain humility in public service. Linking this to the BJP and the government is unfair,” the source said.

The source also dismissed the notion that Bhagwat’s concerns about the ongoing strife in Manipur were a critique of the central government. “Bhagwat highlighted the need for peace for development, using Manipur as an example where progress stalled due to recent violence after a decade of peace,” the source explained.

The BJP has not officially responded to these statements. However, recent comments by BJP chief J P Nadda, suggesting that the party has grown strong enough to operate independently of the RSS, have reportedly caused friction within RSS circles. Additionally, Ram Janmabhoomi chief priest Acharya Satyendra Das criticized Kumar, pointing to the failure of Kumar’s outreach efforts to the Muslim community.